Who are you?

Who are you? Are you your house? Are you your car? How about your money? Your career? Your phone? Your tv? Your watch? Your shampoo? Are you your choice of toothpaste? 

Or is the truth of you something deeper?

Who are you? Are you your enemies? Are you the friends you keep? How about your siblings? Your parents? Your partner? Your children? Your coworkers? Your Facebook friends? The clerk at the grocery store? Who are you to each of those people? Are you who they think you are? 

Or is the truth of you something deeper?

Who are you? Are you your clothing? Are you your hairstyle? How about your accessories? Your jewelry? Your shoes? Your makeup? Your body hair? Your tattoos, or lack thereof? Are you the size of your jeans?

Or is the truth of you something deeper?

Who are you? Are you your weight? Are you your age? How about your height? Your body type? Your shoe size? The mole on your skin? Are you the shape of your nose?

Or is the truth of you something deeper?

Who are you? Are you your favorite color? Are you your favorite food? How about your political leanings? Your hobbies, which shift and change? Are you your opinions, which are different now than they were ten years ago?

Or is the truth of you something deeper?

Who are you? Are you your wants? Are you your desires? How about your goals? Your ambitions? Your hopes? Your yearnings? Your dreams? Your fantasies? Are you the random, ridiculous thoughts that pop into your head out of nowhere?

Or is the truth of you something deeper?

Who are you? Are you the movies you watch? Are you the music you listen to? How about your preferences? Your likes? Your dislikes? Your insecurities? Your fears? Are you the tantrum you had as a child when you were asked to share your favorite toy?

Or is the truth of you something deeper?

Who are you? Are you your past experiences? Are you your mistakes? How about your accomplishments? Your wounds? Your pains? Your tears? Your hurts? Your griefs? Your sadnesses? Are you the unwarranted hatred you felt towards someone that one day you were in a bad mood?

Or is the truth of you something deeper?

Who are you? Are you the words you cannot take back? Are you your regrets? How about the things you never did but wanted to? The what-ifs? The should-haves? The failures? The mistakes? Are you the hurtful things you’ve regretfully said to those you love?

Or is the truth of you something deeper?

Who are you? Are you your quirks? Are you your behaviors? Your personality? Your sense of humor? Your weird and random thoughts? Are you the silly, embarrassing thing you searched for that one time on Google just because you were curious?

Or is the truth of you something deeper?

Who are you? Are you your knowledge? Are you the things you learned in school? The facts stored in your head? The things you hold to be true? Your theories about the universe? Your beliefs about how and why you exist? Are you the information you’ve at some point abandoned for better information?

Or is the truth of you something deeper?

Who are you? Are you your failed relationships? Are you your successful relationships? How about your opinions? Your beliefs? Your assurances? Your conditioning? Your patterns? Your programming? Are you the stories you tell yourself about the unfortunate things that happen in your life?

You may say, “I am all of those things.” Or, maybe (just maybe), is the truth of you something deeper? Are you, in truth, none of those things?

Who are you? Can you point to it? Can you really find it?

Is the truth of you something that can ever be put into words? Is the truth of you something which can ever be expressed?

Is the truth of you any thing at all?


Memento Mori


“Enlightenment” is not what you think